n. WTSHTF: Grid Down Possibility...

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Grid Down Possibility...

The front door is open, and there is no lock to be had.
There is not a power meter or device on the grid that is protected from hacking, if not already infected with some sort of Trojan horse than can cause it to be shut down, damaged or completely annihilated.
We can’t take a massive outage all at once.
When we say ‘it goes down,’ we’re talking about generators burning out. We’re talking about coal plants being damaged. We’re talking about destruction of equipment. This isn’t just a matter of electrons going around and shutting off the moving data.
Physical equipment can be damaged… watch some of the videos of cyber attacks on generators and other devices. You’ll see they’re actually damaged. Multi million dollar machines are hacked into.
We look at corporations. We look at the very companies like Symantec that are there to protect us having been hacked, and their code is in the public domain.

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