I really struggled deciding whether or not to add this page to the site. I did not start WTSHTF to be a business or ask people to donate any of their hard earned money. I started this blog to express myself as I prepare for what awaits my family and yours in the future, and help others who are on their own preparedness journey. I also hoped to interact with you – my reader.
This project has been very rewarding. I have learned a lot doing research, reading, practicing, and communicating with fellow survivalists and preppers. I thoroughly enjoy putting forth the effort and taking the time to post every single day.
So – why accept donations?
For the very same reason I accept advertising – to help cover the monthly costs of this site as well as invest in equipment to review and perform research which I post results.
If you feel like donating to help out – great!
If not – no problem at all.
Thanks and take care – Olaf
Ways To Donate
To donate and help out WTSHTF online, you can make a single donation of any amount of your choosing via Paypal. Just follow the link below: