n. WTSHTF: Wooly Mammoth Found!

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wooly Mammoth Found!

An astonishing video shot by a Russian engineer appears to show a hairy elephant-sized animal wading through a river in the wilds of Siberia. Just like the ice-age creature, the beast in the images has a red hairy coat and clearly-visible giant tusks.

With its trunk swinging from side to side, the creature's coat would match samples of preserved mammoth hair dug up from permafrost in frozen Russia.

The incredible footage was filmed by a government-employed engineer last summer in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug region of Siberia. He was in the area to survey for a planned road.

Releasing the footage anonymously for the first time, the Russian national said he wanted to draw attention to the fact that woolly mammoths still exist in the vast unexplored wastes of Siberia.

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